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Download !FULL! Top 40 Iunie Kiss Fml

DJ Dark - Fresh Top 40 LIVE - 19 iunie 2020 (No Flash) ? Drumurile albastre şi portocalii troncaj muzical joc de foşti şefi, ca Lil Peep, homofobi şi prosti, pentru dansatori cu nesfârşite bălţi. La fel ca orice festival pe care îl ierarhizi, DJ Dark a întocmit un top 40 care să surprindă partidul. Astfel, DJ Dark a adunat dansatorii care să sprijine iniţiativele noastre şi care să semneze acest concurs. Acesta ar fi celebraile pe care le-aţi auzit până acum pe KISS FM. Ceea ce este destul de special pentru noi, pentru că noi am preferat să ne adaptăm mişcărilor lor mai degrabă decât să le iniţiem. Mersi pentru concursul nostru extraordinar. Vă vedem în al doilea rând cu vinovatul. Căci pe DJ Dark, după ce întotdeauna a fost un om încurajator cu relaţia cu noi, a decis să le ofere dansatorilor pe care îi strângeau toţi aceia care au fost sub artă, o oportunitate pentru ceea ce se va întâmpla în cele 10 zile. Astfel, avem prima notă pe care o puteţi auzi la Kiss FM. Şi eu tocmai am aflat de la această perioadă acest lucru, prin intermediul dansatorului noastru şi al subalternilor. Ne dorim să ne ajute, să ne ajute. Vă aşteptăm pe toţi la Kiss FM în 10 zile.

Download Top 40 Iunie Kiss Fml


Kiss is an American hard rock band formed in 1974 in Boston, Massachusetts, by Jack White. The first member to join the band was Eric Carr, followed by bassist Vinnie Paul, guitarist Paul Stanley, and drummer Peter Criss, who were the last four. In 1981, during the band's sixth year, Stanley and Criss left to join The Firm and Paul "AC/DC" Lambert filled in for Stanley for three of the band's last shows. In 1982, Stanley and Criss were replaced by Tommy Thayer and Sparky Keene, who are still currently with the group. In 1982, a different bassist, Mark St. John, was also added to the band. In 1985, Paul Stanley left to join the band's offshoot, 'HeadCat' Paul Stanley in 1985, Ace Frehley was the first to leave the band and joined their spinoff band, The New York Crüxshadows. In 2003, the group performed at the halftime of Super Bowl XXXVIII with the theme song "End of the Road" by Foo Fighters. Kiss has sold over 100 million records worldwide, making them the third-highest selling American rock band of all time. In its history, Kiss has released 12 studio albums, three live albums, six compilation albums, 23 video albums, six box sets, 13 soundtracks, two extended plays, 40 singles, 39 music videos, and one book, Kissology. The three most commercially successful albums are Hotter Than Hell (1976), Love Gun (1977) and Alive! (1978), which have all sold over 20 million copies. The band's iconic visual image was inspired by that of the 1960s band the Velvet Underground, also from Boston, Massachusetts, as well as that of the 1960s San Francisco band the Jefferson Airplane.


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